The Sutton Report
In 1992, at
the behest of a Skakel family attorney, a prestigious Long Island private investigative
firm, Sutton Associates, began re-investigating the murder of Martha Moxley. The firm
spent several years and reportedly over a million dollars poring over the case and
re-interviewing witnesses.
Here is an
excerpt of the report:
Even conservatively, there
are a number of clearly condemning circumstances pointing directly at our principal
suspects in the murder of Martha Moxley. These facts function as the board off which we
must dive into the murky waters of speculation. Despite all the many obstacles and
limitations, it is incumbent upon us to take this jump in order to, at the very least, get
a tighter grip on the lose ends of this investigation. First and foremost:
1. Tommy Skakel has lied to
authorities about the night of October 30, 1975.
2. Michael Skakel has lied to
authorities about the night of October 30, 1975.
We know Tommy Skakel lied,
because he, admittedly, altered his story to now include highly relevant facts he
purposefully concealed from the Greenwich Police Department, Dr. (Stanley) Lesse, and
others. For example, he told the Greenwich Police and Dr. Lesse that the last time he saw
Martha Moxley on the night of her murder was at the side of his house, around 9:30 pm. He
has subsequently advised Sutton Associates that he actually spent, approximately, an
additional thirtv minutes with Martha, engaging in a sexual encounter. If he was not lying
then, he is lying now, and visa-versa.
We know Michael Skakel lied,
because, in terms of his story, he did the same thing as his brother. If he was not lying
then, he is lying now, and visa-versa.
We suspect Ken
Littleton has lied because he failed at least two lie-detector tests. This remains only a
suspicion, however, because the results of these lie-detector tests (administered under
circumstances unclear to Sutton Associates) cannot entirely be trusted. Tommy, we have
good reason to believe, was able to pass at least one lie-detector test with his original
story. While it is possible Tommy told the truth back then and is lying now, such a
scenario seems highly unlikely. (Why would Tommy start telling self-implicating lies after
previously telling the truth?) More probably, Tommy was able to fool the polygraph.
individuals are capable of such deception. (If the perpetrator is in some state of denial,
for example, their responses may not register on the polygraph.) Tommy, we know,
successfully lied to Dr. Lesse. It would seem his capacity for deception is formidable.
(Then again, as we will consider in greater depth, later in this section, Tommy may not
have murdered Martha Moxley. His deception may have been easier to maintain if executed on
the behalf of whoever did murder Martha.)
Just as the polygraph will
let some who are lying slip by, it can also falsely identify others who are not lying.
Certain individuals, know matter what they say, will fail the polygraph. Such people are
usually very nervous, unstable, or agitated. Littleton is all three.
On Kenneth
On October 30,
1975, a twenty-three year-old teacher and coach from the exclusive Brunswick School in
Greenwich, Connecticut, spent his first night in residence as a tutor for the Skakel
family children. It was a job, and a night, which dramatically changed the course of Ken
Littleton's life for the worse. Young, athletic, handsome, and a recent graduate from
Williams, it seemed his future was full of nothing but promise. In the wake of Martha
Moxley's murder, however, Ken Littleton fell victim to heavy substance abuse and extreme
psychiatric problems. He was arrested in the summer of 1976, on Nantucket, for grand
larceny, breaking and entering, and burglary. His criminal record would grow from that
point to include shoplifting, assault and battery, and numerous DWI convictions. Within
five years, he was working on a loading dock.
While there is no doubt
Littleton was profoundly affected by Martha Moxley's murder and its subsequent
investigation, to what end his problems can be attributed to this event is uncertain. He
is a haunted man, but why? Is he somehow responsible? Is he involved in some complicity,
some conspiracy?
Ken Littleton is a wild card
literally and figuratively. If he is entirely innocent of any involvement in the
murder of Martha Moxley, he has certainly gone to great lengths to make it seem otherwise.
A couple of years ago, the
tabloid television program, A Current Affair, ambushed Littleton in Canada for an
expose-style interview. Anxious, stuttering, and shaking uncontrollably, Ken initially
tried to flee the encounter, but then awkwardly relented. He made a few comments and
answered some questions while remaining just barely within the realm of coherence. He is a
man who suffers from severe depression and alcoholism, and his demeanor is inherently
disabled. In this regard, he is his own worst accuser.
Littleton's crime spree on
Nantucket, which he attributed to his drinking problem, brought him swiftly to the
forefront of speculation in the investigation of Martha Moxley's murder. The Greenwich
Police Department's efforts to attach the crime to Tommy Skakel had proven futile. Their
focus now shifted. Defenders of Littleton insist the continued harassment of the Greenwich
Police who frequently questioned Littleton while he was working lead to his
dismissal from teaching jobs.
Littleton probably did lose
teaching jobs because of his status as a suspect and the Greenwich Police's continued
efforts to build a case against him, but he has only himself to blame for their interest.
His foolish crimes on Nantucket were a red flag to investigators. Furthermore, to this
day, he has left many questions unanswered about his actions and whereabouts on the night
of October 30, 1975.
Tommy Skakel:No one contests that Tommy Skakel is the last person known to have
seen Martha Moxley alive. Partly as a result of this ominous distinction, the second son
of Rushton Skakel remains, to this day, a leading suspect, if not the leading
suspect, in the investigation of her murder. Those who have labored to establish his
innocence have faced as much difficulty as those who have struggled to prove his guilt. As
such, Tommy has remained, for better or worse, in a culpable limbo for nearly twenty
Such speculation has left
quite a paper trail. Tommy has been interviewed and examined by doctors, detectives,
police officers, and mental health experts, on repeated occasions, regarding the night of
October 30, 1975. Sutton Associates has amassed a collection, as comprehensive as
possible, of the materials generated by Tommys suspected involvement in the
'incident. A few omissions were insurmountable: certain files, physical evidence, and
recorded interviews, for example, remain in the possession of the Greenwich Police
Department, and will likely never be made available.
In addition to collecting and
analyzing the findings of other professionals, Sutton Associates has conducted its own
extensive investigation into the murder. Tommy Skakel has been among the numerous
witnesses and suspects interviewed for this investigation. Sticking largely to the same
story he has, to the best of our knowledge, been telling from the outset, Tommy maintains
his innocence and professes to have no first-hand knowledge of how Martha Moxley was
murdered. The few changes he has made to his story, however, are extremely revelatory.
These changes were solicited solely during interviews with Sutton Associates. In
conjunction with other circumstantial evidence, they have contributed substantial credence
to the possibility of Tommy's guilt and, at the very least, suggest he has wilfully
deceived authorities, with considerable success, for many years. We will illustrate and
explore the significance of these discrepancies.
While this revelatory
information brings us a little farther from establishing Tommys innocence, it does
not bring us much closer to proving his guilt. As circumstances now stand, the only
means of answering this issue, once and for all, he with Tommy, himself. To obtain a
better understanding of the issue, then, we must come to a better understanding of Tommy
Skakel and, specifically, how he has endured under the scrutiny of a high-profile,
multi-faceted murder investigation.
The Academy Group's profile
of the probable offender shares many obvious characteristics with Tommy Skakel (as well as
with other leading suspects). Most notably, the Academy Group believe the offender was
between 14 and 18 years of age, resided within easy walking distance of the victim's
residence, was in the same socioeconomic status as the victim, had regular interaction
with the victim would have exhibited strong sibling rivalry tendencies, would have
experienced behavioral problems both at school and at home, and was under the influence of
drugs and/or alcohol at the time of this crime.
On Michael Skakel:At the beginning of the official police investigation
into the murder of Martha Moxley, Michael Skakel was not a strong suspect. According to
some sources, he was ruled out almost immediately due to what was then perceived as an
air-tight alibi, substantiated under polygraph by a number of eye-witnesses. Some feel
Michael and other suspects were not thoroughly examined at the time, due to a somewhat
premature conviction, on the part of local authorities, that Tommy Skakel was the
murderer. It was only later when the spotlight of serious scrutiny was placed directly on
Michael. His arrest on drunk driving charges in 1978 probably did as much as anything to
renew the police's interest.
Michael, at the time, was
plagued with serious emotional problems, living, by many accounts, a reckless and
drug-fueled existence. What gradually emerged, from that point forward, was a portrait of
a deeply, and somewhat enigmatically, troubled young man. In this light, and during the
course of Sutton Associates' investigation, serious questions and unresolved issues have
been raised about Michael and the murder of Martha Moxley. At the very least, it is fair
to say Michael Skakel has, for whatever reason, often acted out in ways certain to arouse
suspicion. Reportedly, Michael once even confessed to the murder of Martha Moxley in a
therapy session while a patient at the Elan treatment center. He quickly recanted.
